Buying in the winter… 

Traditionally, fewer homes are sold during the winter months of December, January and February nationwide.

Astute home buyers can take advantage of this drop-off, and potentially find a “better deal”.
There are a few reasons why.


1. There are fewer homebuyers in the winter, this means you have more time to make solid informed offers on properties you really like.

2. House prices traditionally are at their lowest in December. Sellers who are serious about selling and have had their homes on the market since spring may be anxious to accept an offer they may not have considered earlier.

3.  Mortgage Processing can go quicker during the winter months. With less volume, paperwork tends to be processed smoother and faster. Meaning your closing could happen faster than in the spring or summer time.

4. Realtors typically have more time int he winter to really navigate your housing wants and needs, meaning you get more personalized attention. 

5. You will be able to see how well the heating system is working. Most buyers don’t realize a homes heating system is sub standard until the winter after they buy. You can also get a good idea of how well the home is insulated and any other winter home concerns!



Selling in the Winter 
You know buyers in the winter are serious! There are steps you can take to brighten your home and make the showing pleasant and enjoyable for your buyers.  

1. Manage the Snow –

  • Continually shovel a path through the snow, especially if it’s still falling.
  • Footprints on freshly fallen snow will turn to ice if the temperature is low enough, so scrape the walk.
  • Sprinkle a layer of sand over the sidewalk and steps to ensure your buyers’ stable footing.
  • Remember to open a path from the street to the sidewalk so visitors aren’t forced to crawl over snowdrifts.

2. Use Natural Light – 

  • Pull up the blinds, open the shutters, push back the drapes on every window.
  • Turn on every light in the house, including appliance lights and closet lights.
  • Brighten dark rooms with few windows by placing spotlights on the floor behind furniture.
3. Heat up –
  • Pump up that thermostat. It’s better to heat the house a degree or two warmer than usual and then set the temperature at normal. This prevents the heat from kicking on when the buyer is present, because some HVAC systems are loud.
  • You want the temperature inside to be comfortable and to give the buyer more of a reason to linger, especially on a cold day.
  • Light the fireplace, but open the damper, place a grate in front of it and don’t leave it unattended for very long. You don’t want your house to catch fire!

4. Serve & Make Smells of Winter Foods at Open Houses

  • Don’t serve muffins or any other kind of food that can be popped into the mouth because you want buyers to stay for a while and notice elements they might otherwise miss.
  • Hot soups such as tortilla, potato or squash are delicious on a cold day.
  • Chili or stew is a great alternative to soup, but leave a receptacle for disposal of the paper bowls and spoons.
  • Hot apple cider or cups of cocoa make great beverage choices.
5. Provide Info about things
  • Attach printed cards to items and in rooms that provide further information the buyer might miss or might not know. You have so little time to make an impression.
  • If you have an antique chandelier in your dining room, put a card on it that discloses its age and other important details.
  • If you have removed the washer and dryer from the laundry room, attach a card to the wall describing the room.
  • If your basement stairs are steep, attach a card to the railing that cautions buyers to watch their step.